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App build & release

Build for Android #

For debug build you can run command:

flutter build apk

You will get a larger merged apk with this. But you can split them with this command:

flutter build apk –target-platform android-arm,android-arm64,android-x64 –split-per-abi

Build file location: <project>/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/ For deploying it please follow this documentation:


Recommended tutorial is below 👇

Build for iOS #

There are no general way to generate app for iOS. Apple doesn’t allow to install app like this debug way. If you want to install it on your iOS device then you have to deploy it on TestFlight or AppStore. For deploying it please follow this documentation:

If you face any kind of issue, kindly drop a message from your DriveMond website profile or mail us at [email protected]