
How Does The Driver and Customer Wallet Work in DriveMond?

DriveMond is the ultimate ride sharing and parcel delivery service solution that has been developed exclusively by 6amTech. It outshines any other ride-sharing script available online with its exceptional feature sets. You must be aware of this since I’m quite certain that you have already explored its user interface and tested the demo.

Most of the demo testers of DriveMond usually ask what’s the difference between the wallet and earning system in DriveMond. This blog is specially designed for those who want to dive deeper into DriveMond’s incredible features and know the business logic behind them. 

What you’ll learn from this blog: 
👉 What is DriveMond wallet and how it works
👉 Users of DriveMond wallet
👉 Features of Driver wallet and Customer wallet
👉 What’s the role of Admin in this feature 

So let’s get straight to the point.

What is A DriveMond Wallet? 

In a ride sharing platform, a virtual wallet is a digital account that enables users to securely store funds and make payments for rides and related services within the platform. 

The virtual wallet allows users to add money using various payment methods such as credit/debit cards, bank transfers, or digital wallets. When booking a ride or other services, the fare is automatically deducted from the user’s virtual wallet balance, providing a seamless experience. Virtual wallets offer users convenience, security, and ease of transactions within the ride sharing platform.

Like any other on demand ride sharing service business, the DriveMond ride sharing solution also includes a virtual wallet for its users.

Who Can Use the DriveMond Wallet? 

There are basically three types of users in the DriveMond system- Admin, Rider (Customer), and Driver. Both the Rider (Customer) and the Driver own their personal DriveMond wallet within the app. 

For Riders (Customers): When you book a ride or send a package with DriveMond, you can use the wallet for easy payments. Just add money to your wallet, and you’re all set to pay without needing cash or cards. It’s simple, secure, and convenient.

For Drivers: As a driver with DriveMond, you get paid directly into your account for the trips or services you complete. This means you have better control over your finances and get your earnings quickly without any hassle.

In the next two section, we’re going to discuss the features of DriveMond’s wallet for Drivers and Riders (Customers) and the business logic behind the features. Let’s go ⬇️

Features of Driver Wallet

Every Driver of the DriveMond solution owns a personal virtual wallet within the Driver App. The features of the Driver Wallet are as follows-

1. Receive Payments

When a customer pays via wallet, Drivers can receive payments directly into their wallet for completed trips and parcel services provided. 

Driver Wallet Receive Payments Feature

Business Logic: When a ride or parcel delivery is completed, the fare or service fee is transferred from the rider’s wallet to the driver’s wallet instantly. For this, the Customer needs to choose the payment method: Cash, Wallet, or digital payment before placing a ride or parcel delivery request. While payment, the DriveMond system automatically deducts Admin’s commission for the trip.

Here’s the wireframe we used for Driver’s wallet & earning 👇

2. View Earnings

Drivers can easily track their earnings and view transaction history within the wallet interface.

Drivers wallet and transaction history

SS 4: Driver’s wallet and transaction history

Business Logic: The wallet interface provides real-time updates on earnings, including details of each transaction, ensuring transparency and accountability.

With this wallet feature Drivers can-

✅ View wallet balance

✅ Request withdrawal from Admin

✅ Earn wallet bonus and reward points

SS 5: Driver’s withdrawal method

Features of Customer Wallet

For Riders (customers), the DriveMond wallet is available in the rider (customer) app. The features of the customer wallet are as follows-

1. Make Payments

Customers can easily pay for rides or deliveries using funds stored in their wallets.

SS 6: Customer’s payment option

Business Logic: When a service is booked, the fare or service fee is deducted from the customer’s wallet balance, ensuring a seamless payment process.

2. Add Funds

Admin can manually add funds to customers’ wallets using various payment methods from the system.

SS 7: Add fund option in the Admin Panel [path: DriveMond Admin Panel> User Management> Customer wallet]

Business Logic: Admin can keep customers’ enthusiasm intact through this feature and reward customers accordingly. This allows to build a sustainable customer relationship.

3. View Transaction History

Customers can view their transaction history within the wallet interface, which creates transparency and insight into past payments.

Business Logic: The wallet interface displays real-time updates on transactions, including details such as ride/delivery details, amounts, and timestamps.

4. Receive Loyalty Points

Customers can earn loyalty points for their performance and consistency in order placement, which can be converted into wallet money after completing a target.

Business Logic: DriveMond’s loyalty program fosters user loyalty, boosts engagement, and enhances the overall user experience.

Here’s the wireframe we used for the Customer’s wallet & earnings 👇

Role of Admin in The DriveMond Wallet Feature 

DriveMond’s admins have a crucial role in managing wallets. They are responsible for checking the balance of both drivers and customers, ensuring there are enough funds for transactions. 

Admins can view the history of wallet transactions to ensure transparency. If there are any issues with transactions, admins step in to resolve them fairly. 


Now that we’ve reached the end of the blog, I hope you understand how the wallet and earning system works in DriveMond. We are constantly working hard to bring more amazing features to you and improve existing features so your ride sharing and parcel delivery project can grow in the long run.

Shamsi Nur

Shamsi Nur

Say hello to Shamsi! A words warrior behind the tech scenes. She can slice and dice complex tech talk into everyday narratives. Shamsi aims to make tech simple and friendly so everyone feels welcome in the digital world. When not weaving words, you might find her talking to plants and doodling here and there!
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